Believing in the unlikely, mystical things such as leprechauns, elves, mermaids and fairies puts a happy, hopeful shine on our sometimes gloomy world.
Fairies- supernatural beings with magical powers – have existed in literature from Greek and Roman mythology to medieval legends to modern American bedtime stories. Although fairies look human, they are typically able to fly, cast spells and they can sometimes foretell the future.
In The Great Encyclopedia of Faeries, author Pierre Dubois uses this description:
They are known as the little people, the beautiful maiden, the godmothers, the blessed, the ageless ones. Ruling over earth, fire and water, they protect forests, animals and children, and in their hands lie the dreamy souls of all creatures.
Beautiful words, aren’t they?
Everyone have already heard about fairies, but have you been so lucky to find a house of a fairy? If not, it is time to come to Lucan! My photo was taken there!
In relation to this topic I also would recommend you to visit Gabriella Szabo fairy artist facebook page:
Have a nice day!