Culture Box, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The Hungarian Culture Days is an annual culture festival, based in Dublin organised by volunteers.
The Festival is a celebration of all things Hungarian.
Our aim with this event is a cultural exchange and to build a strong community spirit. It is also to provide a platform for emerging Hungarian talents. Last year 15 artists including visual artists and photographers exhibited their work at the festival. This year 3 more performers and an Irish guest musician are also joining our team.
The programme for this year includes an art exhibition entitled ‘Our Roots’ and photographic presetations on Hungary Cultural Heritage. There will also be folk dance performances and folk dance workshops for happy feet; music; interactive talks in relation to our traditions; teatre, poem recital and art and crafts activities for families (feltmaking, weaving, face painting).
We are looking forward to seeing you all in the Culture Box on 24-27 October 2013!
Beatrix Fekete, Andrea Nagy and the Hungarian Culture Days Team
The Festival Programme:
Private Opening Ceremony
24th October Thursday
(Entrance by invitation only)
8.oopm Béla Bartók Duet on 2 violins– Sarolta Simó / Gyöngyvér Lukács
Uilleann pipes performance -Mark Redmond
Folk Dance performance– Angelika Kodai-Pintér / Szabolcs Pintér
The day of Music and Dance
25th October 2013 Friday
7.00-8.00pm Folk Dance performance and workshop – Tamás Szegvári / Zsófia Dósa
The Hungarian Culture Day
26th October 2013 Saturday
2.00pm ‘OUR ROOTS’ Art Exhibition Opening – Peter Beckett Expert on Ancient, Modern and Art history
Beatrix Fekete, visual artist, Carmen Kovács, photographer, Edina Háló, visual artist, Eszter Emese Lázár, photographer, Eszter Hatala, mosaic artist, Gabriella McGrath, felt artist, Inez Ferenczi-Ligeti, photographer, János Klein, wood carving, Judit Szoták, silk painter, Katalin Szűcs, felt artist, László Fehér, visual artist, Magdolna Tóth, community artist, Tünde Tóth, visual artist
Photographic Presentations on Hungarian Cultural Heritage:
The Lake Balaton -Kuczogi Boglárka; Hungarian Thermal Baths -Dudás Zsófia; Hungaricums -Nádas Eszter; Castles in Hungary – Török Judit and Szilvia and the whole family; Celts in Hungary – Csilla Kádár; Hungarian Vine – Pátkai Eszter; Music – Zoltán Kodály- Majorné Perger Ágnes; Literature- Endre Ady-Beatrix Fekete, Zsolnay-Beatrix Fekete
3.00-4.00pm Language Challenge Interactive workshop – Csilla Kádár
4.30 pm Poem recital – Enikő Frenyó / Zsolt Pál
6.00 pm The Dublin Hungarian Theatre
Zsolt Pozsgai: Liselotte in May
Director:Réka Ferencz
Cast: Liselotte: Réka Ferencz, Karl: István Vas, Ludwig: István Kincses, Heinrich: György Zoltan Toth and Zsófia Dósa, Andras Fulop
Liselotte in May – 45 mins, Hungarian with English subtitles. Under 16 should be accompanied by an adult. Liselotte (Frida Reka Ferencz) is a single woman in an attempt to redeem herself from solitude, before it’s too late. What does one have to sacrifice in order to achieve happiness? When does growing together stop and the surrender of self begin? A series of bloody-comic events leads us to the final solution. The Hungarian Theatre in Dublin is proud to present Pozsgai Zsolt’s dramedy, Liselotte in May as their first production. Our aim is to prove: it is possible to make theatre on a shoestring , with devotion and commintment -and at last but not least- professional skills. This is an opportunity for Hungarians living abroad to show their talent to an audience eager to consume culture in their own language. Frida Reka Ferencz finished acting college and masters in Transylvania, and was a founding member of the new theatre at Kezdivasarhely.
Family Fun Day
27th October 2013 Sunday
10.00am ‘Kerekítő’ Baby Class (0-2 years) – Ágnes Major
Kerekítő Fun, creative class is all about learning through play, with activities such as rhyme time, music, movement and fun activities for babies, wobblers and toddlers. A great way for parents to spend quality time with their little one with Hungarian traditional child songs and nursery rhymes.
11.30 am ‘Kerekítő’ Toddler class (2-4 years) – Ágnes Major
12.00am Story telling / Bogyó és Babóca – Sün Soma születésnapja – Tóth Viktória, Teacher of Hungarian Weekend School and Kindergarden
10.30am- 11.30am Drawing Competition – Brigitta Soltészné Somodi

During The Family Fun Day on the 27th of October Brigitta Solteszne Somodi- owner of the Little Star Services– is organising a DRAWING COMPETITION.
All age groups are welcome! You don’t have to be Hungarian! So…. Where do you come from?
Grab a pencil or brush and share with me your adventures! You might win one of those books that you can see above on the picture! You can make your piece of art on an A4 page using any kind of medium. Bring your work to the festival! If you don’t feel like drawing at home, I can give you a hand on Sunday morning and we can create something amazing together in relation to the topic! Come enjoy your time with me!
10.30-11.30am Creative Cosy Corner for the little ones – Csilla Kádár
(all day) Transform Me! Facepainting workshop – Zsófia Dudás
2.00-4.00pm Felt creatures – Gabriella McGrath
2.00-4.00pm Food Art making workshop -Magdolna Tóth
2.00-4.00pm ‘Turn household items into toys’ workshop – Eszter Hatala
Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest. Make new craft out of old things and kids will see how fun recycling can be. Everyone knows to recycle their used bottles. But instead of leaving them out on the curb, why not turn those empties into fun and creative bottle crafts? Dressing up old wooden spoons with fun and unexpected items can be turned into puppets. Bring your children and let’s have fun together.