
The Team of HCD would like to offer programs for the Election Day on the 6 of April, 2014.
First of all till 4 pm today, the 29 of Marc, is the last day to register to vote in Dublin.
Please visit for the voter registration: www.valasztas.hu
The Circle of Friends of ÍrMag from Cork are coming to Dublin on the 6 of April. For the occasion, they organize a trip to Newgrange.
* From 6 am: VOTING in the Embassy
* After fulfilling our duty let’s meet at the Hungarian Embassy at 12 pm and discover this beautiful prehistoric monument in County Meath.
Newgrange was built about 3200 BC, during the Neolithic period, which makes it older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids
www.newgrange.com )
Please organise your trip ahead of the time. Own transportation needed.
If someone would like to join the group from Cork or near please call: Gyulavári Mátyás: 0873132574
Bogdánné Zsuzsa: 0872588190
Based on preliminary calculations, the participation fee is € 25 , which includes the price of the ticket of Newgrange ( € 8 ) and the bus-trip from Cork to Dublin.
* From 3 pm till 6 pm Hungarian Pre-Easter Event organized by HunHut.

Let us have fun together:)


Andrea Nagy