Hungarian Culture Days 2016

We are happy to announce that the run up to the Hungarian Culture Days 2016 has started. We have 12 weeks to compose all the bits and pieces together for you, very much appreciated visitors and guests.

This year we would like to present the Celtic and the Hungarian mythology and the mystics stories and tales as the frame of our event. We chose the time of the celebration of the nature’s renewal: 12 May-15 May 2016Pünkösdi-királyné Punkosdi_kiraly2

In both culture we can find relevant and similar facts and traditional elements.


Our venue for the Opening Ceremony is the Wood Quay Venue in the famous Temple Bar area. And the rest of the days will be very near!


As a Preview let me give you some hints:


-The day of Punkosd is an importan celebration and has kept its traditions such as the election of The King and The Queen of Punkosd.



– In the Celtic world they celebrate Beltain, which means “the return of the sun”, is the Gaelic May Day festival. Historically, it was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man.  Celts believed the sun was held prisoner during winter months only to be released each spring to rule the summer sky, and they celebrated this mythic release with a fire ceremonies and a huge feast to mark the occasion. Rituals were performed to protect the cattle, crops and people, and to encourage growth.


Our ancestor: Nimrod


-Story-telling is a great amusement for the audience and we would like to present it with Irish and Hungarian ‘tellers’.



– Folklore dance is a main attraction at our event, although we will entertain you with an International Dance workshop this year.


– Of course, we will not leave out the delicious Hungarian Food tasting as usual…



Be alert for the Games before the event ! Many, many more programs are under construction…so stay tuned!


Sources of the pictures: