Dutch researchers at the Amsterdam-based EYE Film Institute have discovered one of the oldest extant Hungarian films: A Munkászubbony (The Work Jacket),
first shown on January 12th, 1915. Lost for decades, The Work Jacket is one of the longest Hungarian silent films of the era.
The film, directed by István Bródy, stars Gyula Hegedűs, one of the most important actors of his day in Hungary. In fact, one of the streets behind the Vígszínház (Comedy Theatre of Budapest), where Hegedűs performed, bears his name to this very day.
Dutch researchers who found the silent film initially believed it to be of Austrian origin, due to the German writing found on the reel which (incorrectly) identified the contents as a German production of Ferenc Lehár’s Cigányszerelem (Gypsy Love).
Images via the Hungarian National Film Archive, film.hu, and the Vígszínház
Full article here: http://hungarytoday.hu/news/102-year-old-hungarian-film-discovered-netherlands-91415