Sarolta Simo -violin player



Sarolta Simo will play on the Opening Ceremony of The Hungarian Culture Days 2013

(The festival runs from the 24th to 27th  October at Culture Box Temple Bar D2)

She signed up for studying music at the age of ten in the Music school in Csíkszereda, where she had Csiki Magdolna as her tutor. She continued her studies in music at The Art School in Targu Mures with Derzsi Albert as her tutor. During the four years in Targu Mures, she participated in different competitions and occasionally substituted in the Symphonic Orchestra of Targu Mures. After graduating from high school she got accepted in the Academy of Music in Cluj Napoca, where she continued studying music/violin under Dr. Béres Melinda’s tutorial.During the four years of studying at the university, she filled a position in the Orchestra of Hungarian Opera in Cluj Napoca, also at the Transylvanian Symphonic Orchestra as a first violonist, She finished her studies in 2007.She first came/moved to Ireland in 2009. Along with Irish musicians and bands she played Irish folk music in Westport, co. Mayo.Occasionally she played a part with Mayo’s Symphonic Orchestra. From 2012 she is a member of the Dublin Orchestral Players, the UCD Symphonic Orchestra and the Irish Youth Ballet Orchestra. She is also a regular participant of the Termofeckin music courses.

Zenei tanulmanyait 10evesen kezdte a Csikszeredai zeneiskolaban Csiki Magdolna zenetanarnovel. Marosvasarhelyen a Muveszeti iLceumba folytatta tanulmanyait Derzsi Albert hegedu tanarral. Reszt vett liceumi zenei versenyeken,es helyettesitett a marosvasarhelyi Szimfoikus Zenekarban.2003-ban bejutott a kolozsvari ‘Gheorghe Dima’ Zeneakademiara ahol 2007-ben vegezte zenei tanulmanyait, Idokozben 3evet jatszott a kolozsvari Magyar Opera Zenekaraval elso hegeduskent,es a Transilvanian Szimfonikus zenekarral is. 2009ben koltozott Irorszagba,Co.Mayo-ba Westport-ba, ahol ir zenet jatszott ir bandakban ir zeneszekkel. Belepett a co. Mayo Symphony Orchestra-ba. 2012 majustol tagja a Dublin Orchesrtal Players-nek, a UCD Symphony Orchestra-nak es az Irish yout ballett Orchestranak, akikkel rendszeresen zenel szimfonikus koncerteken a National Concert Hall-ban is. Rendszeres tagja a Termofeckin zenei kurzusoknak is.